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WHAT IF I TOLD YOU YOU CAN CONDEMN POLICE BRUTALITY AND STILL APPRECIATE POLICE OFFICERS mage on imgur <p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost120720618693i-am-dallas-redbloodedamerica class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p><blockquote><p><a href=httpi-am-dallastumblrcompost120713189650redbloodedamerica-smashedpolitics class=tumblr_blog>i-am-dallas<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost120711194812smashedpolitics-redbloodedamerica-bobevin class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpsmashedpoliticstumblrcompost120703357980redbloodedamerica-bobevin class=tumblr_blog>smashedpolitics<a><p> <blockquote><p><a hre
WHAT IF I TOLD YOU YOU CAN CONDEMN POLICE BRUTALITY AND STILL APPRECIATE POLICE OFFICERS mage on imgur <p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost120720618693i-am-dallas-redbloodedamerica class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p><blockquote><p><a href=httpi-am-dallastumblrcompost120713189650redbloodedamerica-smashedpolitics class=tumblr_blog>i-am-dallas<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost120711194812smashedpolitics-redbloodedamerica-bobevin class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpsmashedpoliticstumblrcompost120703357980redbloodedamerica-bobevin class=tumblr_blog>smashedpolitics<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost120691695851bobevin-redbloodedamerica-im-getting-really class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpbobevintumblrcompost108057677150redbloodedamerica-im-getting-really-fed-up class=tumblr_blog>bobevin<a><p> <blockquote><p><a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost97090701289im-getting-really-fed-up-with-the-fuck-the class=tumblr_blog>redbloodedamerica<a><p> <blockquote><p>I’m getting really fed up with the “fuck the police” sentiment pouring in from those on the left and on the extreme right There’s nothing “fascist” about good officers in a community doing their jobs Yes some of them are bad as with any job and need to be fired andor arrested but the majority of these people stick their neck out every day for you and me And no we do not live in a “police state” Enough with this nonsense <p><blockquote> <p>We live in a police state Stop watching fox and read<p><blockquote> <p>You wouldn’t know a police state even if it came up and bit you on the ass<p><blockquote> <p>Americans are 20 times more likely per capita to get killed by your police than the British are by our police I dont disagree with you on many things but getting killed 20 times more than a civilised nation means you have a brutal police force<p><blockquote> <figure data-orig-width=245 data-orig-height=260><img src=https78mediatumblrcom75d05ef8efb085df71d4139168941552tumblr_inline_npfnmuKhNh1r1jtxd_500gif alt=image data-orig-width=245 data-orig-height=260><figure><p>That is a gross generalization and completely misinterprets the definition of an actual police state Even if police shootings were one hundred times more prevalent in the United States than Europe that alone will never make this country a police state To say otherwise is exhibiting a complete lack of understanding of the term Besides when you talk about people getting killed by police you immediately assume they were all innocent which is completely false <a href=httpredbloodedamericatumblrcompost117874602711aceteron-postmemes-serve-and-protect-the>as I have mentioned before<a><p><p>When anti-police activists misuse the term <i>police state<i> to mean something derogatory about everyday police officers it is essentially only watering down the original term It’s just like when SJWs throw around the word <i>slavery<i> to mean anything and everything oppressive - “mental slavery” “reproductive slavery” “slave wages” etc It only dilutes the actual use of the word<p><p>If you want to witness an actual police state look no further than North Korea Calling the United States where thousands of people have fled to after escaping <i>actual<i> police states throughout history is a slap in the face<p><blockquote> <p>Sorry but that defense is weak It’s as if you expect a totalitarian monarchy before you’re willing to accept that it’s a police state The problem here is obvious One side waters it down the other side only accepts the most radical version Setting aside the fact that it’s not really a subjective term and what you consider a police state and what I consider a police state may be imagined differently but I’m certain we could come to some mild agreement about what it would entail That being said here is a list of things that all police states have in common<p><p>1 Massive surveillance apparatus that spies on anyone and everyone without regard to the privacy or the rights of the individual Check<br>2 An agency or industry that can assault kill or lock you away for any reason and most likely get away with it Check<br>3 An agency or industry that dresses the part of the antagonist wearing body armor and carrying heavy weaponry around mostly unarmed people Check<br>4 A systemic view of police whereby “public guarding” which happens to be an expectation of the average citizen is set aside and police are turned into “law enforcement” agents who’s primary function is to issue citations or find a way to enroll the citizen into the state’s extortion scheme Check<br>5 A rogue institution of policing around the country that involves portraying the citizen as the primary target resulting in needless bullying by police Check<br>6 “A <strike>totalitarian<strike> society controlled by a political police force that secretly supervises the citizens’ activities“ CHECK<br><p><p>But your definition seems to require a totalitarian society and that may be how it’s technically defined but I don’t see it that way I see it as a reactionary effect of people who live under the boot of police or live in a society where police have very little accountability Who in their right mind could possibly deny that police are seen as an aggressor or antagonist? They don’t guard the public nor should they have any claim to ‘self defense’ when they are the one pursuing the people in the first place If I pursued and shot someone I wouldn’t be able to claim self defense But see they’re not actually “police officers” They are Law Enforcement and they are there on behalf of the government As employees of the government they cannot be there for your benefit I feel a true conservative would view our law enforcement today as a severe encroachment onto our liberties But the neo-con Republicans look at it like a blind allegiance or patriotic expression that police must be respected loved and coddled just like the military and the church It’s absolutely disgusting<br><p><blockquote><p>I’m not watering anything down I’ve acknowledged that there are some bad cops although they are few and far between There are some cases of militarization of the police but it’s not as rampant as some would allude I’m a realist I know where the actual blame lies in the majority of the bad attitudes against our police officers - it’s in our overabundance of constricting laws and our crumby criminal justice system not the average cop that sticks his neck out on the line for you and me<p><p>I’ll respond to a couple of your attributes of a “police state” though<p><p>1 Arguably yes Although that’s what most of this recent disagreement regarding the Patriot Act was about Is it as restrictive as an actual police state though in which your every word or movement is questioned under possible detainment? No No it is not You actually have rights in America including the Freedom of Speech Odds are your local police officer would agree with your thoughts on protecting your Fourth Amendment rights and your right to privacy…considering they would apply to heshe as well<p><p>2 False We have a justice system in which you have a right to defend yourself in a court of law The police and court system as lousy as it is at times must also respect your rights and obey the laws that protect the citizen In a real police state the police again run directly by the state are the judge and jury You have very few if any rights in a police state I’m not saying our system is perfect or that it doesn’t need reform I’m merely stating it does not remotely resemble an actual police state<p><p>3 “<i>Dresses the part of the antagonist<i>” This is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard all day The majority of police officers look like this<p><figure data-orig-width=450 data-orig-height=338 class=tmblr-full><img src=https78mediatumblrcom9905cd9e6cbcc81bd6adcc71503875cctumblr_inline_npfq8fBKtj1r1jtxd_540jpg data-orig-width=450 data-orig-height=338><figure><p>What you are trying to paint them as<p><figure class=tmblr-full data-orig-height=292 data-orig-width=450><img src=https78mediatumblrcomec19459810a7a0383186e4a0e5819339tumblr_inline_npfqlvN5et1r1jtxd_540jpg data-orig-height=292 data-orig-width=450><figure><p>It’s all about wording And this is where anti-police activists for the lack of a better term just can’t help themselves to just take a step back and think objectively You clearly and cognitively see police as an “<i>antagonist<i>” and that’s where you lose any credibility in your argument You’re projecting your own personal views to appear as facts and that just doesn’t cut muster here<p><p>Besides having a militarized police body still <i>does not<i> make a country a “police state” Need I remind everyone that the Gestapo worn plain clothes unlike the SS<p><figure class=tmblr-full data-orig-height=310 data-orig-width=450><img src=https78mediatumblrcomdea446aed951f8d7b3075e3d892a180dtumblr_inline_npfsw663Dg1r1jtxd_540jpg data-orig-height=310 data-orig-width=450><figure><p>4 You lost me on this one entirely Are you insinuating that police do not protect and serve the public? If so I’m sure I have some fine officers that would happily disagree with you Your still projecting this notion that police officers are just driving around harassing innocent people Look I hate getting speeding tickets like the next guy but let’s not lose focus of reality here<p><p>5 Again police are not bullying the average citizen across the country Where is your proof of this widespread targeting of innocent Americans? Where does this stuff permeate into the collective minds of so many young people? It’s simply not true<p><p>6 We don’t have a totalitarian or otherwise society controlled by a “political police force” Of course you don’t think it has to involve a totalitarian state because you are basing your views on your own personal negativity bias You hate cops…<i>okay<i> we get it Still not a police state though <p><blockquote> <p>I am so over police haters cherry picking to make it seem like we live in the freaking Hunger Games<p> Mememore...

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