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13 Cringey Neckbeards Who Mask Rudeness Behind Bloated Vocab Banks #13
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We have here a finely assembled lot of cringelords who fancy themselves modern gents, with deep pockets filled with unnecessarily long words; and beneath all that, wild insecurities and genuine rudeness. Just cause you write something out in a way that sounds pretty, doesn't mean you're off the hook, for lashing out seconds later with a fiery round of profanity-laced verbal assault. Of this lot, I think that Phil's the MVP. "Is that clear?" 

Text - T enjoy rejecting women Conflicted Advice What the title said. I'm not sure why, probably pent up resentment from when I was a fugly awkward nerd. I get an immense amount of pleasure from rejecting women who pursue me or ask me out. I usually flirt and lead them on as well I don't want to feel like this but I can't stop.
We have here a finely assembled lot of cringelords who fancy themselves modern gents, with deep pockets filled with unnecessarily long words; and beneath all that, wild insecurities and genuine rudeness. Just cause you write something out in a way that sounds pretty, doesn't mean you're off the hook, for lashing out seconds later with a fiery round of profanity-laced verbal assault. Of this lot, I think that Phil's the MVP. "Is that clear?" 

Text - T enjoy rejecting women Conflicted Advice What the title said. I'm not sure why, probably pent up resentment from when I was a fugly awkward nerd. I get an immense amount of pleasure from rejecting women who pursue me or ask me out. I usually flirt and lead them on as well I don't want to feel like this but I can't stop. I've been talking to therapist about it but so far it hasn't helped Vote 1 Share SINGLE COMMENT THREAD VIEW ALL Store employee: "Sir can I help you find anything?" Op: "(

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