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Man Wants Out Of Friend's Wedding After Finding Bride's Post Trashing His 5-Year-Old Daughter #1
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Wedding season's in full bloom, and it seems like we're regularly reading stories about people being their absolute worst selves. There's just something about the highly emotional event that inspires people to cave for breakdowns, BS behavior, and outright inexcusable rudeness. 

Text - r/AmltheAsshole + JOIN u/waftingthrowaway 1d AITA for pulling my child from my friend's wedding after seeing a post she made about her online? Not the A-hole The wedding is in 6 months. To be clear, my husband and I are gay and we were going to attend the wedding but I wasn't going to be in it. (It was discussed at length, but I didn't want to be the one bridesgroom or whatever) My friend "V" has a great relationship with my 5 y/o and is like an aunt. V asked if she could at
Wedding season's in full bloom, and it seems like we're regularly reading stories about people being their absolute worst selves. There's just something about the highly emotional event that inspires people to cave for breakdowns, BS behavior, and outright inexcusable rudeness. 

Text - r/AmltheAsshole + JOIN u/waftingthrowaway 1d AITA for pulling my child from my friend's wedding after seeing a post she made about her online? Not the A-hole The wedding is in 6 months. To be clear, my husband and I are gay and we were going to attend the wedding but I wasn't going to be in it. (It was discussed at length, but I didn't want to be the one bridesgroom or whatever) My friend "V" has a great relationship with my 5 y/o and is like an aunt. V asked if she could at least be a fl

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